To join FrauenLoop, all you need is a commitment to changing your career to technology within the next 12 months. We give preference to women with immigrant/refugee/BiPoC backgrounds who are not yet working in the tech industry.
Digital transformation is changing how organizations across every industry operate. If you’re a woman with no prior programming experience who is determined to enter the tech industry, we can help you get there.
Your ideal job might be an 80% schedule or may involve starting later each day to accommodate a dependent or a personal disability. None of the personal circumstances that define you should affect your access to a dream job.
I’ve heard the doubts and insecurities of women with children, women wearing headscarves, women with accented speech, women with brown skin. “Is this a good company?”
A significant percentage of FrauenLoop applicants are women with MAs or PhDs. If you’re a woman in an academic field who’s looking to transition into tech, here are 3 things you can do to maximize your success.
The return to work after a long absence is full of indignities and isolation. Skills used more than a year ago are considered "too old" and, if you're not savvy about self-marketing, you could be seen that way too.
The difficulty of job-searching as an immigrant is not to be underestimated. Learning to tell a compelling professional story (without recounting Confessions of the Unemployed) can be the difference between landing an interview or not.
In my first startup job, I didn’t ask financial questions until heads began to roll. I’d advise anyone who is considering a role at a venture-funded startup to make sure they understand exactly who is betting what on whom.