The world has gone digital, and is turning every company into a “tech” company. Job communication, collaboration and evaluation relies more and more on code, algorithms, and optimization. We have become a society where job stability, earning power, and preferred status often goes to those with jobs connected to the software development cycle.
Where does that leave people who warn to learn more, earn more, and take an active part in shaping their digital future? Without the right knowledge networks, many women feel excluded, ill-equipped, or unsupported in their workplace.
FrauenLoop offers a diverse network of women tech professionals who train motivated, women-identified persons in computer programming. We teach women from all different backgrounds what it takes to build a lasting career in tech.
Our program is aligned with the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
“You have forever changed my perception of the tech world.”
“We are currently in the process of hiring new developers and I noticed a pattern when I saw FrauenLoop in the résumés. Consistently the best candidates, tech-savvy, very structured, smart and everyone asked the best questions by far. Thanks a lot for this.”
“I am really very very grateful that I met you two years ago and was able to work through the FrauenLoop cycles. Just thinking back to the frustration and helplessness I was feeling in terms of where my career was going and what the options were in front of me. I really enjoy what I do and am grateful for the benefits of having work that is do-able from home and well paid.”
The FrauenLoop program has been evaluated as a “best practice” by the Interreg Central European SiforREF project
Our Supporters
FrauenLoop is supported by numerous startups and established tech companies that care about equal access to tech. Whether by hosting workshops or by contributing funds, these organizations have supported FrauenLoop's mission: